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Version: 1.21.x


Tags are generalized sets of objects in the game used for grouping related things together and providing fast membership checks.

Declaring Your Own Groupings

Tags are declared in your mod's datapack. For example, a TagKey<Block> with a given identifier of modid:foo/tagname will reference a tag at /data/<modid>/tags/block/foo/tagname.json. All registries use their path for the directory name (e.g., EntityType uses the folder entity_type, Potion would use the folder potion). Similarly, you may append to or override tags declared in other domains, such as Vanilla, by declaring your own JSONs. For example, to add your own mod's saplings to the Vanilla sapling tag, you would specify it in /data/minecraft/tags/block/saplings.json, and Vanilla will merge everything into one tag at reload, if the replace option is false. If replace is true, then all entries before the json specifying replace will be removed. Values listed that are not present will cause the tag to error unless the value is listed using an id string and required boolean set to false, as in the following example:

"replace": false,
"values": [
"id": "othermod:ingot_other",
"required": false

See the Vanilla wiki for a description of the base syntax.

There is also a NeoForge extension on the Vanilla syntax. You may declare a remove array of the same format as the values array. Any values listed here will be removed from the tag. This acts as a finer grained version of the Vanilla replace option.

Using Tags In Code

Tags for all registries are automatically sent from the server to any remote clients on login and reload. Block, Item, BlockEntityType, EntityType, Fluid, and GameEvent are special cased as they have Holders allowing for available tags to be accessible through the object itself.


Intrusive Holders may be removed in a future version of Minecraft. If they are, the below methods can be used instead to query the associated Holders.

Referencing Tags

There are two methods of creating a tag wrapper:

*Tags#createBannerPattern, Biome, Block, CatVariant, DamageType, EntityType, FlatLevelGeneratorPreset, Fluid, GameEvent, Instrument, Item, PaintingVariant, PoiType, Structure, and WorldPreset where * represents one of these types.
TagKey#createRegistries without vanilla tags.

Registry objects can check their tags via Holder#tags, getting their Holder using either Registry#getHolder or Registry#getHolderOrThrow. Comparing a single tag can be done using Holder#is.

Tag-holding registry objects also contain a method called #is in either their registry object or state-aware class to check whether the object belongs to a certain tag.

As an example:

public static final TagKey<Item> myItemTag = ItemTags.create(ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath("mymod", "myitemgroup"));

public static final TagKey<VillagerType> myVillagerTypeTag = TagKey.create(Registries.VILLAGER_TYPE, ResourceLocation.fromNamespaceAndPath("mymod", "myvillagertypegroup"));

// In some method:

ItemStack stack = /*...*/;
boolean isInItemGroup =;

ResourceKey<VillagerType> villagerTypeKey = /*...*/;
boolean isInVillagerTypeGroup = BuiltInRegistries.VILLAGER_TYPE.getHolder(villagerTypeKey).map(holder ->;


There are several conventions that will help facilitate compatibility in the ecosystem:

  • If there is a Vanilla tag that fits your registry object, add it to that tag. See the list of Vanilla tags.
  • If there is a group of something you feel should be shared by the community, use the c namespace instead of your mod id.
    • The c namespace is a common namespace for NeoForge and Fabric.
    • Tags should be sorted into subdirectories according to their type (e.g. c:ingots/iron, c:nuggets/brass, etc.).
  • If there is a NeoForge tag that fits your registry object, add it to that tag. The list of tags declared by NeoForge can be seen on GitHub.
  • Tag naming conventions should follow Vanilla conventions.(e.g. plural instead of singular: minecraft:logs, minecraft:saplings).

Using Tags in Recipes and Advancements

Tags are directly supported by Vanilla. See the respective Vanilla wiki pages for recipes and advancements for usage details.